The Reed’s Blueberry Bonanza

Hi there Seaside Family!!

Diana & Todd Reed here!!  It’s that time of year again…..Todd and I are planning an outing to the HNH Blueberry Farm in Palatka on Saturday April 23rd and wanted to invite our Seaside Family to join us.  We will be heading out around 9AM – it’s about an hour ride- and we can all caravan over. We will fill our buckets till their overflowing and once we’re done we can all head over to Corky Bell’s for some lunch and libations out on the deck overlooking the beautiful St John’s River.  Then to continue the Blueberry Bonanza, on Sunday May 1st at 3PM we will all gather at our place where you all will bring your favorite blueberry creation for everyone to try.  It could be anything from Blueberry Pancakes, Blueberry Cobbler to Blueberry Martini’s (Diana will take the Martini’s. LOL).  We had so much fun last year and are looking forward to it again this year.  Now here’s where it gets TRICKY…..if you plan on joining, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RSVP so we know how many will be coming and so no one gets left behind.  Either reply to this post or ping Diana on her cell phone at 386-562-2284.  Please let us know by April 21st.  Keep an eye on the weather and dress accordingly and make sure you wear some shoes that you don’t mind get dirty.  Hope to see you all soon! PLEASE  RSVP 🙂

Comments (1)

  1. Diana Reed

    Good Morning Seaside Peeps!! Tomorrow’s (Saturday 4/23) the day to get your blueberry picking on 🙂 We will all meet at our house and head out at 9AM. Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. If you haven’t already reached out to me, please let me know if you plan on joining us so no one is left behind. See you Saturday morning 🙂

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