Men and Fire at ‘The Pit’

Hello! A fire pit has been installed down by the marina. To take advantage of one of our community’s newest amenities I am tossing out the idea of stating a ‘3rd Thursdays’ men’s get together at ‘The Pit’. If you are interested bring a cold drink and a chair to the fire pit this Thursday, and subsequent 3rd Thursday’s, for a little time of fellowship and community around a fire.  Please share with anyone who may not see this post.

I hope to see you  there!!

Todd Reed


Comments (7)

  1. Steve Harrison

    Men at the Pit – March 16th get together was great albeit a smaller gathering than Februarys. I encourage all to attend in April. “Cold beer and conversation (George Straight)” and a roaring firepit make for great comradery.

  2. Men at the Pit – 3rd Thursdays
    This Thursday is the second ‘Men at the Pit’ gathering’ – If you are available and interested – 7pm this Thursday March 17th, bring a chair, your favorite cold drink and your conversation to the fire pit located at the SSL Marina. 12 guys from SSL showed up to last month’s inaugural meeting and it was a great evening of just hanging out. I will not be able to make it this month due to work travel – I hope you can!
    Todd Reed

  3. Regrets, Todd. Nothing personal to you and your program to build good will amongst neighbors, but I am embroiled in a legal disagreement with the HOA about several items for which they wish to fine me: weathervane, hanging plants, etc. Kind of difficult to hang with the same folks that are adversely affecting my quality of life here. I am greatly disappointed that I cannot enjoy my life here unless I submit to the whims of tyrants here. Perhaps after the court rules in my favor, I can join in a good mindset. Meanwhile, I am having to restrict my interactions with some “neighbors”. Sad that the HOA is now an adversary not only to me but several other neighbors and future neighbors.

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