Comments (2)

  1. We own a gazebo over on Bulow Creek. Is it worth moving it over to the pond out front where we can actually use it? That spot is rather central and an easy stroll for most of us. As Carol mentioned, it is nice and shady under those old oaks and can be a cool place to rest and enjoy the fountain and cool breezes.

    Not to be a party pooper, but that cul de sac is designed for emergency vehicles and daily vehicle traffic. Not sure the homeowners around that cul de sac need to be inconvenienced by our parties — even though the breeze off the river is sure nice.

    Perhaps a budget line could be found to spend on this instead of something less useful. At least some marketing study could be done instead of the current shoot-from-the-hip projects that do not seem to be necessary as no one seems to be interested in them.

  2. My thoughts lean towards putting a Gazebo by the pond at the front of the development under the old oak trees in the shaded area. Everyone passes by there on their way to pick up the mail and sometimes it would be a resting place when it is hot or a place to duck into if it starts to rain and you are now stuck with your mail in the soaking rain.

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