Submit Your Ideas or Suggestions for Seaside Landings Community Improvements Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. the * WHO: WHAT: Describe your proposed Idea or Suggested Action *Idea or Suggestion Brief Name *Give your idea or suggestion a brief nameWHEN: How urgent is the Project *Immediate, Pressing Issue, Risk MitigationThree (3) to Six (6) MonthsCan Wait, Within the YearMore than a YearDoes this project address a pressing need, does it need to be addressed or implemented soon, or can it wait.WHY: Provide Justification; Why it's Beneficial to SSL *HOW: All-in-One or Over Phases *All-in-OneSeveral Phases to CompleteNot SureIs this a project that can be broken down into smaller phases that can be individually implemented, or does it have to be done all at once?WHO: would implement the idea or project *Community ProjectHired Resource or VendorCombination Internal and ExternalOther HOW MUCH: Estimated cost to implement *Additional comments or insights about IdeaPlease add any additional comments or insights which help better understand your idea Your Name *FirstLastYour Email Address *Submit
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