More about the Special BOD meeting tomorrow. Hear the facts for yourself.

Comments (5)

  1. steve hager

    Tim, i like the weathervane , too. But you have to understand that once a door is opened it is open for all kinds of crazy. what is appealing to one may not be appealing to all. the RULES we all signed were pretty straightforward on what you can do in regards to the house colors / roofs / docks / landscaping etc. these rules are there to prevent purple(or bubblegum pink) houses when we are supposed to be Coastal colors or a Geodesic dome house or log cabin being built . that extends to having political signs or flags that may offend or laundry hanging out – its about property values – ALL of ours . we all want a peaceful community . we elect these board members (fair and freely) to interpret the rules – their job IS to decide . i don’t understand your point. every decision needs to be scrutinized by the entire community ? and if you don’t like the decision oust the board ? thats just crazy – nothing would get done and it would be a free for all. when people start referring to hard working people who give of their time (i would like one of those at the meeting screaming and calling people names to tell me exactly how these board members personally benefit from what they do – love to hear it because it sure looks like a no-win job to me) and referencing Russia like this is some communist community it irks me to know end. selfish people – all about ME – ME – ME. suing the board and costing ALL of us money – thats ok? now we are set to incur more legal expenses that are going to drive up our HOA fees because they didn’t get their way – juvenile. seriously considering selling my lot because this is not what i bought into – i want to enjoy my home and the waterfront lifestyle not watch neighbor against neighbor dividing our community. sad to say but we are rethinking building here after this last meeting.

  2. Steven,

    I don’t really don’t enjoy these straw dog arguments; we get enough of those in politics. Not a single one of us that I have talked with have any desire for a “free for all,” just sensible and non-bias rules. We are not discussing “bubblegum” paint nor “garage bands,” just enjoying the property to which each of us worked hard. I haven’t taken a poll for everyone else but I’m sure I like the weathervane and cleared area. The interpretation of the documents are what 5 people are now deciding. It is like a single person in government saying people who didn’t go to college should pay for those who did. Most of us who work long weeks don’t run for board members, but maybe we should start thinking about it.

  3. btw – that message is from STEVEN HAGER – not my wife Abby – the opinions represent my views . Abby can weigh in on her own – but i am confident she agrees . i just don’t want to come off as speaking for her .

  4. caroline – i think your email is off base . nobody rules like Russia, but we do elect a board to make decisions that are in the best interests of ALL homeowners. not just the ones who want to bitch about their private petty grievances with an individual or someone who wants to disregard the bylaws because its an inconvenience to them or there home decorating / landscaping ideas. i live in a community where its a free for all (we recently sold because i can’t deal with the stupidity anymore and while my house is worth more than ever) . we have had houses painted bubble gum pink with chocolate brown trim (ugh) and people working on cars like its an auto repair shop in their driveways , cars on the streets and even a garage band pounding away at all hours. we ALL have major investments at SSL – most closer to a million $ when built. we all have a major stake in keeping ALL our property values increasing . criticizing people who number one VOLUNTEER their time and number two are protecting us all from a few is counter productive and wrong. you want to make change work with the board and help . do i want weather vanes on every house – NO. do i want to see two story docks ruining the views – NO . do i want seawalls that don’t line up or falling into the canal -NO. do i want faster approvals and a more reasonable approach to the ARB in regards to design / colors / change orders – OF COURSE ! these people are entrusted to do what we asked them to do – manage our community and enforce the bylaws WE ALL SIGNED . every decision cannot be a group decision – the board has a purpose . enough already with the unsubstantiated criticism of people trying their best . run for the board if you have better ideas or management skills. IMHO the defamation of our board has got to stop . we elected a new board – lets all help them make SSL a great community .

  5. Perhaps the HOA/ARB should be removed and a new election held to install people who have the best interest of the association ie . property owners as opposed to those who are self serving egotistical individuals. There has been too much politicing behind closed doors going on for the past two plus years. Property owners should have the right to vote on moneys spent for major landscape amendments as well as rule changes and enforcement issues. It should not be the personal choice of one or two individuals who “rule the roost”. This is not Russia.

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