Comments (16)

  1. Update on the lawsuit. The suit continues but only for the weathervane.
    The HOA dropped all references to the orchids in the trees as apparently they knew they were wrong and their bullying failed. Meanwhile, the HOA rules state that the HOA must have a vote to pursue any lawsuit against a Member. That has not occurred and this HOA Board is expending funds without authorization of the Members.
    Why doesn’t that surprise any of us?

  2. We are all adults who love our homes here and would not do anything to interfere with our neighbors and community. To most of us we worked our whole lives to be able to live on/near the water. We all come from different backgrounds and have things which mean a lot to us. Be that certain flowers, statues, flags, and I dare say weathervanes and orchids. I was one of the original purchasers from Patten over 5 years ago, and John Patten and I talked at length of the HOA. To summarize the community as a whole, specifically the common areas, needed to be controlled by the OWNER’s HOA and for the most part the land and homes we purchased were ours. Home style and colors so homes don’t all look alike John thought needed to be discussed with the ARB but neither of us envisioned micro-management of our own property. I looked at the candidate forms and none of them identified as trying to “control all aspects of our homes.” We are the HOA so if we have a majority of members who want to live our lives and keep our heritage in our homes we have the opportunity to do that. I have two attorney children, one living here near us in Florida, and he has experience in HOA regulations. I’m sure he would be happy to give us some pro-bono advice.

    • Tim let me know if your pro-bono attorneys will like to reopen my discrimination case after today meeting the board is out of control you can even asked a question without being threaten or intimidated not only by the board but the management company. WOKE

  3. I was asked to move my skylights to the back of the house even though the area which they are supposed to provide light to is in the front part of the house. Ultimately, my arguments prevailed, and the ARB relented and approved the front of the house location. You’ll see some beautiful architectural flat panel SolaTube skylights on my house at 125 Seaside Pt. once our construction completes.

  4. José

    This community reflects the same cancer that has erode our nation by continuing divisions and mandates that are only enforced when is to satisfy the political position of the party not the community. In the Florida statute 720.311, the Legislature finds that homeowners’ associations and their individual members will benefit from an expedited alternative process for resolution of election and recall disputes and presuit mediation of other disputes involving covenant enforcement and authorizes the department to hear, administer, and determine these disputes as more fully set forth in this chapter. Further, the Legislature recognizes that certain contract rights have been created for the benefit of homeowners’ associations and members thereof. Look to me that we should look at alternative measures of resolution as set forth by the statute by getting more democratic rules that include all residents of the community.

  5. Chief600

    The HOA tabling the Florida Friendly landscape is pointless as it is exempted in Florida law too.
    They are also in violation of the statutes that allow solar panels if they won’t allow them on surfaces facing the sun. Putting panels on the north side of a south-facing house is absurd.
    Wondering who their counsel is on these issues.

  6. I agree with you in how the HOA just makes up rules that are not in writing. Also it’s completely legal to have a clothesline in Florida even if an HOA forbids it :Florida Statute (163.04). So even more reason you have to hang your orchids.

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