Comments (3)

  1. Hi Norbert: Thank you for stepping up to be a board member. I am disappointed you did not make it onto the board as your platform was more in line with what this community needs to move forward. I hope that Sue will be able to stand strong for the liberties and property rights we all have as citizens. The next step will be to see who gets appointed to the ARB as that single committee is the cause of most of the problems property owners have and that builders are tired of their antics.

    As 2/3’s of the board is still in place, I will continue my legal battles against the HOA and its ARB silliness of impinging on my property rights. I will try to attend the next board meeting and see what happens. Meanwhile, please continue to be active and prepare for the next election by educating the absent property owners of their choices and how that will affect them. As a friend stated, if you are building out here and are not currently on drugs or alcohol, you will be by the time you move in, ha!

  2. Thanks for your efforts, Norbert. And I will be doing my best to help with all possible improvements to our processes and address issues as best I can. My primary goal is to help make everything smooth for those for those still in the building stages and to create a pleasant atmosphere for all owners to enjoy our wonderful community.
    We are scheduled for our quarterly Board meeting on Tuesday, July 12th from 1:00-3:00 pm. I understand that this may not be a opportune time for everyone, but would very much appreciate your efforts to attend. Hopefully, we can make future meetings a little more convenient for all to attend. So please keep an eye out for the Watson email notification. Thanks!!!

    • Thank you Sue. Yes, this time is very difficult. I know many in the community have been requesting a zoom option and Sarah and Ira had said they would look into it. Do you know if this will be offered?
      Thanks so much, Diana

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