Street Light (Revisited)

As background info to the post from two days prior regarding street lights, as a member of the Facilities Committee, Mr. Fabiani was tasked by the BOD to explore options. On August 8th, 2019 Mr. Fabiani set up a meeting with FPL, which was attended by myself and Ira (Current BOD member). Various low-light areas in SSL were reviewed.  The FPL representative proposed installation sites for street lights based on the accessibility to transformers.  A proposal was sent via email.  The proposal was discussed at a subsequent BOD meeting and then tabled.  Why?  First, it was decided that more residents were needed to populate the Development to determine a consensus of need.  Second, the FPL lease proposal, although relatively inexpensive when divided among 98 property owners, committed us to FPL unless it was decided that we were to buy the equipment. Additional options were not explored fully based on the fact that the consensus of current residents was divided almost evenly for and against street lighting.  Another factor, experienced by Ira after visiting another community, was that the FPL lights were indeed very bright, it was almost certain that more than one resident would complain of the light’s intensity shining into their bedroom window.  Although the spectacular night sky we are often privileged to witness is viewed with minimal light pollution at present, safety is a concern. Perhaps we can find a balance. Personally, I’d rather preserve the night sky, and take my chances with the roving critters using a flashlight.

Comments (2)

  1. Hey it’s Todd Reed. When this was discussed 2 years ago, it was agreed by the majority that we would wait until the community was approximately 80% built out so that we would have a better idea of how much ambient lighting there was coming from the individual homes. One of the unique characteristics of our community is the lack of light pollution and the view of the beautiful night sky – we have more stars than anyone else in the area. Just my two cents. Thanks.

    • Whole-heartedly agreed. Way too much light being cast skyward and seems to be getting worse with random landscape lighting, including on HOA-controlled property. Not sure when that lighting was voted on to be installed at HOA expense.

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