
Hi there.  Is it possible to have email or text alerts sent to notify us if there is a new member who has joined or perhaps a new comment / post / event, etc added to the site?  Of course each property owner would have the opportunity to opt in or out of the alerts, but just thinking it might be helpful stay up to date if this was available.   Just a thought. Thank you 🙂

Comments (2)

  1. Many of the content sections are already enabled with email notifications. For example, in the Forums, if you subscribe to any of the 4 forums currently set up, you will be notified whenever a new forum question or post is made. When you submit a new post, you will be notified. So for example, if you posted this question to the “Questions for Property Owners” forum topic, I would have been notified as well as anyone else who subscribes to it.

    I’m trying to strike a balance in the way notifications are handled. Too few, and things are missed. Too many and people get annoyed and unsubscribe.

    For posts such as this one, once we get a steady volume of posts being regularly submitted, I will probably do a monthly or maybe even weekly email summary to all registered users to make sure they are notified of all new posts.

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