Comments (3)

  1. Everything that you write sounds legitimate on paper, however, when there is a person living in the neighborhood who is presenting themself to be an official of the board, when in fact that person is not a property owner; then there is a problem.

  2. I have no issues with the site and what it’s intended for. I believe that Norbert is now moderating comments. At first, it was a board of complaints. Folks would ride by and stop and ask you ifs this was a neighborhood we liked living in (they read the posts). Many of them said they didn’t feel it was for them. Te site at first, basically chased people away. Too much personal complaints. about the board etc. I know folks were unhappy because their submissions weren’t approved first time around. But I also know, the submission were incomplete, in one form or another. The point I was making is that if you are doing something that affects the neighborhood, such as a petition, then it needs to be made available to everyone. I understand now Norbert feels, “it’s not official, merely a petition so they could ask Watson to make it official”. But regardless, if a petition is going around, official or unofficial, I feel it should be made available to everyone. If I came to me, perhaps you would have had another favorable vote. As far as the legal issues go, I am not involved in them. My feeling is that if you are following the rules and guidelines of the HOA, you won’t have a law suit. We are all subjected to the same rules, not just some of us. If you are doing something that doesn’t fit into the guidelines and rules off the HOA, then why, if I may ask, does that homeowner feel that his or her breaking off the rule be overlooked? The “do and ask for forgiveness later” doesn’t apply. I have personally heard those words from folks. There are legal feels, and I don’t like them. I personally feel that I am paying for someone who simply thinks the rules do not apply to them. When we bought our lot here, we sat down and read though the HOA guidelines very carefully. We then made a decision whether we would live with those rules or not. The HOA and committee members VOLUNTEER long hours to ensure our neighborhood keeps its value. I think they have done a spectacular job. I recently read the letter the former HOA officers sent out. If you want to see what a neighborhood where rules don’t apply, drive through the C Section of Palm Coast. Pretty pitiful if you ask me. In the spirit of each of having our own opinions, don’t take this personally, just stating how “I” feel.

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