Comments (8)

  1. Hello Norbert. While I understand that 70 of the 98 homeowners are registered on this site, it does not represent the entire community. I’ve lived in HOA communities all my time living in Florida. Your site, although very nicely constructed, is not an official site for owners of Seaside Landings. It’s administer by you, a homeowner. Thus, if you elected not to join a “Individuals site” you are left out. Official petitions, etc., where you are asking homeowners to review and sign, MUST reach all homeowners. Your site does not do that. I’ve taken some time to read down through many of the posts and I’m amazed at what I read. Please folks, if you are running for the board or a committee, please be professional and in informed of the official rules of the HOA which were established when the community was under the land developer. We encourage all to run, we encourage ALL to know the guidelines of the HOA, which we must ALL abide by. Exceptions are unacceptable, based on individual homeowners desire.

  2. Greetings Lynne. The website has been available for property owners to join since January 2022 and immediately following its launch, all owners of record were mailed instructions on how to join the website. This was via USPS to their registered mailing address, per Watson’s property owner records. We have since had numerous dialogues with property owners on various topics. At present, of 98 property owners, 70 are registered on the website, so the reach is extensive.
    Insofar as the matter of the board expansion petition, many property owners, after reading the post, amplified it with personal outreach to their friends and neighbors, resulting in sufficient participation to submit it (through Watson) to the SSL HOA Board. It presently is with the Board awaiting action as required by SSL Bylaws and Florida Statutes and the Board will be formally communicating its actions through the approved process, allowing each property owner to formally vote on the matter.
    I am always interested in hearing from our property owners of better ways to communicate in a way that is effective and broad-reaching. So far, feedback has been positive on our website (aside from a need to better moderate its content, which has now been addressed).
    Welcome and I encourage productive engagement with other property owners through the website.

  3. Greetings. Ray and I are homeowners here in Seaside for nearly 3 years now. We reside here 100% of the time. No one approached us, either in person, mail or by phone to ask if we were interested in reviewing this petition. I am wondering why? If you were reaching out only on this site, then not everyone is on it. I just joined yesterday. This is an important issue and the petition should reach all homeowners, living here or not. Is there anyone out there that disagrees with this? Thank you for reading my post and your replies. Enjoy your day!

  4. The petition was submitted today to Watson with 30% of all Property Owners having submitted their petition form. The submission cover letter and Watson receiving stamp can be accessed at We will now await the response from the HOA Board which will hopefully act on the matter by sending out formal voting ballots and convening a special Members meeting. Thank you to everyone who marshalled their resources to help with this petition. The 30% represents most everyone who currently either resides at SSL or is in process of building their home here.

  5. Sharing an update on the status of the petition.
    We have collected petitions in a quantity substantially over the number required by Florida Statues to bring this item in front of the HOA Board, and only a few short of the percentage specified in the SSL HOA Bylaws. Given the proximity to the more stricter Bylaws goal, I would suggest extending the deadline of collecting petitions for a few more days, to see if we can take this unambiguously over the finish line.
    If you have not yet submitted your signed petition, please view this post where you can access the petition document in the link within that post, as well as submission guidelines. The form is also provided here for your reference:
    If you have already submitted your petition, thank you. Please continue to reach out to your neighbors and other property owners you may know to make them aware of this petition and help us collect the remaining few votes. Please emphasize to anyone who may still be on the fence the positive outcomes expected to be achieved as a result of this action and its timeliness in light of the upcoming June 29 Board Elections.

  6. Hi Jack: Yes. It will need to be amended for 2 year staggered terms. That’s not an overwhelming bar to achieve. Meanwhile, not a problem to expand the board to 5 with single year terms by action of the board after the next election. In fairness, whoever that board is, those elected to a single year term will serve a single year and a special election of 2 more folks to serve 2 years can go forward during that term with 2 interim appointees serving until that election is completed. I am sure there is precedent to follow.

  7. One plank of the platform for the PELICANs is to expand the board to 5. Hobbs, O’Bryant, and Dyal have all agreed that we support expanding the board to 5 and will do so asap after the election. Part of that will also include staggering their terms so that one year will be 3 directors elected and the following year the other2 will stand for election. Additionally, we feel strongly that due to the nature of having equestrian-size properties on the west side of John Anderson, that one director from that side should come from there when possible.

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