Comments (6)

  1. I have been informed that in order to levy a fine on a homeowner, there is a vote to be taken by the membership and 2/3 of the members must agree to the fine. There was no such vote taken when the fine was imposed on my property. Ergo, the fine was imposed illegally and should be returned by the board.

    • Carol, I’m afraid you have been misinformed regarding the 2/3rd membership vote with reference to fines. It would be best to read our governing documents, which clearly define the appropriate actions that the Association can apply. A fining committee, (SSL compliance committee), comprised of non-BOD members determines the final outcome after the homeowner is given the opportunity to discuss the issue at a hearing. You attended such a hearing. Additionally, the BOD passed a resolution that provides a protocol for notification and a protocol for conducting the hearing. Not only was that protocol followed precisely, but for over a year prior the BOD resisted taking action, hoping that you would seize the opportunity to become compliant with a landscaping plan that you had submitted via three separate revisions. During a BOD meeting, two homeowners volunteered to pay for the work required to bring your landscaping into compliance. You refused their assistance. You again refused the assistance of a homeowner that volunteered to physically install the landscaping. And although you had reached the maximum limit of the daily fine, the BOD calculated an amount that actually reduced the total by half. Before you accuse individuals that devoted their time and effort to the betterment of this community of “illegal” action , please be certain of your facts.

  2. The reason for me sharing this post was more concerned with the need for oversight on HOA’s.

    HOA stands for Home Owner Association. The definition of Association is as follows:
    1. A group of people organized for a joint purpose
    2. A connection or cooperative link between people or organizations.

    My hope for the community moving forward is that we truly can be organized and cooperative and not adversaries but advocates for each other.
    My recent interactions with the board members have been nothing but pleasant and I do appreciate their time.

  3. It was a noble intent that this website provide a source of communication and information for the members of SSL. The noise that often accompanies website platform discussion groups is most times best ignored. Unfortunately, the implication that was made by the member that posted the hyperlink of an article written about a Miami HOA BOD’s embezzlement can’t be ignored. Nor can the implication that a legitimate fining process be called extortion.

    Why? Because they are both misguided accusations directed at our BOD, which is tantamount to the legal definition of libel. And my concern is that others in this community share the same opinion or are emboldened and persuaded by a small group of mis-informed and disgruntled members.

    Having been the subject of behind the scenes rumblings of similar such vitriolic attacks, with absolutely no provocation or understanding of the truth, I find it truly despicable to accuse the very people that dedicate hours in their day to the betterment of this community of a crime.

    So here are the facts about our Association’s financial disbursements:

    1.) The budget for the HOA is established in November as per our governing documents. The budget, and thus member assessments are calculated by estimating expenses for the next fiscal year, line item by line item.

    2.) All disbursements to vendors, attorneys, management companies, and other professionals are itemized and recorded. Bills are paid through our management company’s bookkeeping department.

    3.) Neither BOD members nor officers have access to Association checkbooks- they don’t exist.

    4.) Because all vendors have to be approved through our management company’s vetting process, no one gets paid unless it is a legitimate expense to a legitimate organization or individual.

    5.) Through our governing documents and Statute 720, any member is entitled to review the HOA’s finances with prior arrangement. SSL financial information is available on our management company’s website.

    If any member has a question or concern regarding the above information, I would be pleased to discuss.

  4. I would love to see Senator Renner involved in the goings on in SSL. Especially since I was an extortion victim of the HOA to the tune of $2650.00. Whose pocket did that money go into?? Never did find out.

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