How We Use Zoom

Henceforth we will be utilizing Zoom for remote access to and recording of Board meetings. To best utilize the resources of Zoom and to create an effective experience for both the in-person and remote meeting participants, please familiarize yourself with the following guidelines which we will be following, and will ask you to follow during meetings:

Pre-install the Zoom app

You will access the meeting much quicker if you have the Zoom application pre-installed on your respective device. Zoom works on Windows, Apple and Mobile devices (IOS and Android) and can be downloaded and installed form this page.

Joining the Call

For each meeting you will receive an email wherein a link to access the meeting will be provided. Once clicked, the Zoom app will launch, and you will enter the virtual waiting room for the meeting. When the meeting is ready to convene and accept remote participants, you will be joined into the meeting.

Call Recording

Each call will be recorded (both video and audio) and access to the recording will be made available online for 30 days following each meeting. Instructions on how to access the recording will be emailed to all members following each meeting.

Meeting Video and Audio

  • Meeting room cam – will be ENABLED by default and positioned to capture the board members when they are presenting. The cam may pan to other meeting attendees during open discussion or contribution from meeting participants.
  • Meeting room audio – will be ENABLED by default and positioned near the board members. It may be repositioned if needed to capture audio from the room when discussion ensues.
  • Remote participants’ cams – will be DISABLED by default. When a remote participant is directed to speak (see “Request to Speak” below), they will be invited to share their cam at that time, which they can accept or decline; if accepted, their cam will be visible to all meeting participants on the Zoom platform. Once their speaking contribution has concluded, they may disable their cam.
  • Remote participants’ mic – upon joining the call, all remote participants will be MUTED by default. Any remote participant may unmute their mic at any time. It is best practice however to remain muted for the duration of the call, unmuting only when you are invited to speak.

Request to Speak

Most meetings will follow an agenda during which designated individuals will speak at appointed times. During the meeting the board may at times open the floor to solicit verbal comments, accept motions, engage in directed discussion, etc. At that time, any remote participant may indicate their intent to speak by utilizing the Zoom feature Reactions  ->  Raise Hand. The call moderator will acknowledge each request individually by: (1) inviting them to share their cam and (2) reminding them to unmute their mic. Once called to speak, please remember to undo the Raised Hand status.

Please refrain from using any of the other Reaction buttons as their effect can be disruptive to the meeting. All Reaction displays time-out after about 15 seconds so, if you trigger one by mistake, there’s nothing to do other than to let it time out.

Meeting Chat

This feature allows for interactive messaging between meeting participants. Feel free to use as needed with the caveat that messages directed to “Everyone in Meeting” should be reserved for information relevant to all and related to the meeting agenda or topics under discussion. Messages which don’t qualify as such should be directed to the individual intended.

Technical issues should always be addressed individually to me (Norbert Sluzewski).

Meeting Expulsion

In the event that a remote participant has repeatedly caused extreme disruption to the conduct of the meeting, that participant may be removed from the Zoom meeting on the instruction of any board member. Once removed, that user will be blocked from re-entering the meeting.